V1 connectors
V1 connectors are constructed using Lucidworks' Anda general-purpose crawler framework. The work of creating a new crawler to access your data is lessened with Anda's assistance in streamlining and simplifying crawler creation.
V1 connectors are the older connectors that run on the classic-rest-service. In order to debug V1 connectors, you would be getting the logs and describes from the classic-rest-service.
V2 connectors
V2 connectors are the newer connectors which run on their own pod. These are "plugins" and have the pod name associated with the connector and plugin and utilize the connectors-backend pod. To troubleshoot these connectors you need logs and describes from the plugin pod and connectors-backend pod. The name of the plugin for a web connector for example might be like this:
If you are encountering errors on a processing of either connector in the pipelines, you would be looking to get logs and describes from the fusion-indexing pods as that is where the processing of the pipelines happens for both styles of connectors.
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