How can I access data which is stored about the Fusion datasources, pipelines, Solr collection configs via Zookeeper?
Fusion 4.x, Zookeeper
All Fusion app configurations like datasources, pipelines reside in the zookeeper . You can either modify them via Fusion UI or you need to access them via zookeeper .
Access configs via Zookeeper
1. Go to the bin folder of fusion.
2. Run the ./zookeeper-client script in that folder
3. You need to go under the respective zookeeper chroot to access collections. As an example in Fusion 4.2.6:
[zk: localhost:9983(CONNECTED) 2] ls /lwfusion/4.2.6/core
The core contains fusion objects such as connectors, query-pipelines, job-schedules, and more.
[zk: localhost:9983(CONNECTED) 3] ls /lwfusion/4.2.6/solr
This solr zookeeper "zookeeper node" (a directory, not an instance of zookeeper) contains solr objects such as configs, live_nodes, collections, clusterstate.json, and more.
If you are instead running zkcli on a separate instance, such as a local machine from which you obtained the zookeeper CLI script, you will use the -server flag to indicate where to connect:
> ./zkCli.sh -server fusionHost:2181
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